WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has plans to overhaul the No Child Left Behind law, citing a narrow focus on school test scores and neglect of individual student growth. But after 10 congressional committee hearings failed to reach a consensus, the fate of those changes is up in the air. Meanwhile, schools like Barcroft Elementary in Arlington County continue their struggle to see that a unique set of students meet the federal standard of success.

The majority of students at Barcroft Elementary are LEPs (Limited English Proficient). The No Child Left Behind Act requires LEPs to pass yearly progress evaluations in math and reading at the same rate it requires of native English speakers. If the LEPs alone fail in just one subject area, Barcroft Elementary is labeled a “failing” school.

Since the requirement was enacted in 2003, Barcroft Elementary failed either math or reading every year. Last year, they passed both. If they can pass again this year, they will finally be able to call themselves a “passing” school…

Link to story on WAMU.org

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