Cherokee boy was selected to help light the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Featured, Living U.S. Capitol Christmas tree lightning ceremony illuminates Cherokee culture WASHINGTON -- A nine-year-old Cherokee boy from North Carolina helped light the "People's Tree" on the West lawn of the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. The 78-foot-tall tree, nicknamed Ruby, came from Pisgah National Forest in ... CONTINUE READING Featured, Living Howard County is thankful for its veterans HOWARD COUNTY, MD -- Columbia, Maryland had its 8th annual Veteran's Day Parade near Lake Kittamaqundi. Active and retired military veterans, as well as their families, marched in the parade and then assembled for a ... CONTINUE READING A woman sits on a panel and gives remarks to an audience at the Brookings Institution think-tank in Washington, D.C. Featured, Living Are Religious Americans More Likely to Believe in Qanon? About one in five Americans mostly agree with ideas consistent with the QAnon conspiracy theory, according to a new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute. That’s an increase from one in seven since last ... CONTINUE READING Featured, Living, Urban Indian Healthcare Native American veterans encompass resilience, overcome health care challenges For Melodi Serna, 44, serving in the military is a family tradition. Her great grandfather served in World War I, her great aunt in World War II, her grandfather in Korea, and her great uncle in ... CONTINUE READING

D.C. K-12 social studies standards updated for the first time since 2006

For the first time since 2006, the D.C. school Board of Education will update its social studies standards. This comes at a time when experts say history books and social studies curriculum in some schools lag behind and fail to prepare students to understand when democracy is in peril.

Senate Committee Witness: Robocall scams can result in tragedy

Senate Aging Committee Chairman Sen. Susan Collins and the top Democrat on the committee, Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, have introduced measures to combat the illegal robocalls. Casey’s bill, introduced in January, aims to create a federal advisory council to develop educational materials for financial institution, retail and wire transfer company employees.

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Medill Today | Tuesday, December 5, 2023




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