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Congress questions Secret Service director Mark Sullivan about Nov.24 security breach. (Jessica Harbin/MNS)

WASHINGTON- A House committee set out Thursday to investigate the Nov. 24 security breach at the White House state dinner by Michaele and Tareq Salahi. Testifying before the committee, Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said the agency bears full responsibility for mistakenly allowing the couple entrance to the dinner to which they apparently did not have an invitation.

However, the testimony of Sullivan was not enough for many of the committee members. Numerous congressmen voiced their disappointment that neither the Salahis nor White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers appeared at the hearing.

The committee chairman, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said he intends to subpoena the Salahis to testify, but later blocked efforts by the committee’s ranking Republican, Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., to subpoena Rogers as well.