WASHINGTON — Many young adults worried about the lack of jobs have taken action by joining protests like Occupy Wall Street. But speaking out may actually add to their troubles by making them less attractive job candidates in some cases.

Linda Finkle, CEO of executive coaching firm Indeco Group, said a company’s size could factor into whether it cares that a prospective employee has been on the picket lines. A larger company with high visibility may be more likely to take a dim view of current or future employees protesting, while smaller companies may not.

The degree of participation also makes a difference. Young people should think about how far they are willing to go for their cause, especially if it means they may go to jail.

According to Finkle, it’s not a good idea to get arrested while searching for a job. A potential employer may believe that getting arrested shows bad judgment, which could take the candidate out of the running.

Instead, young protesters should try to stay out of the forefront of their particular cause. Those who already are employed should contact their company’s human resources department to check its stance, Finkle said.

“There are lots of things you can do to participate without being on the edge,” said Katherine Stahl, executive director of American University’s Career Center.

According to American University communications professor David Costanza, political activism isn’t a protected class that prevents employers from discriminating.

It depends on whether overlooking candidates because of their politics or participation would be good for business, Costanza said.

“It comes down to business practices and would it make sense,” he said.

Co-founder of ROCS Brandon Labman recommended that people just starting a professional career avoid sharing political views all together. ROCS is a recruiting company that works with college and graduate students.

“It’s one of those super touchy subjects. You should try to keep it personal,” he said.

That’s especially because views change over time.

“When you’re 20-something, it’s hard to make decisions because everything feels so passionate,” Finkle said.

Stahl noted that job seekers looking for careers in the public sector may find that expressing political opinion publicly may hurt them.

“You want to think about what matters in that line of work,” she said.

Dan Rottenstreich, a 28-year-old political organizer for Unite Here, participates in labor strikes often. He admits that his political activities may lead to him being labeled as a troublemaker by some potential employers.

“I’m sure my activism has closed a lot of doors,” he said.

But he also noted that young people can learn a lot of life skills from participating in social movements, skills that could be valuable in the workforce.

“People who sacrifice time, money and energy are exactly who they should be looking for,” he said.

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill graduate student Vann Newkirk agreed.

Newkirk, 22, helped organize a march protesting the execution of Georgia inmate Troy Davis’ execution and has participated in voter registration drives.

“You learn how to tailor a message and organize people. Those are lessons that can be used everywhere,” he said.