If you look around the city of Washington, there is little to differentiate one male’s attire from the next. It’s a reassuring thought for most men. Put on a shirt, tie, jacket and slacks, and you’ve reached the clothing status quo.
But as a young reporter in the nation’s capital, there are still several minor tricks to make your fashion life easier while also looking a little more dashing than the guy standing next to you.
At this point we’re all familiar with the AP Stylebook. Well, it’s time to brush up on your D.C. style guide.
Rule No. 1: Keep a tie in your desk and a jacket in the closet at all times
The importance of this really cannot be overstated. There is no reason for a man to wear a tie when he does not have to. However, as journalists we know that news strikes at anytime. Having a tie and jacket by you at all times will keep you both prepared as well as comfortable.
However, to effectively pull this off, you’ll need to have the proper tie and jacket that will go with any outfit you wear. Typically blue ties are best. Even a blue shirt looks good with a blue tie. To be safe include a pattern on the tie so it isn’t just one color. As for the jacket, black is best. This should go with almost any shirt and pants combo.
In a matter of seconds, you can transform from a cool, casual newsroom member to a suave reporter ready to break the news. Remember, Clark Kent also worked at a newspaper.
Rule No. 2: Protect your pants at all costs
Guys don’t have many color options for pants. It’s usually tan, gray or black. Because of this, very few people pay attention to what pants you’re wearing. Use this to your advantage.
Don’t believe me? Try wearing two pair of pants all week. Then, on Friday, ask your colleagues how many different pairs you wore. No one will know.
Because of this, you need to make sure you don’t stain your pants. Even a pizza sauce stain the size of a dime will quickly alert others around the office that the pants you wore Thursday were the same you wore Tuesday.
Play it safe. Put a napkin on your lap.
Rule No. 3: The sweater-tie combo will change your life
I cannot stress the following enough: wearing a sweater to the newsroom is the smartest decision you will ever make.
First things first, it will do wonder for your wardrobe choices. By putting a sweater over a shirt and tie, you are only revealing the shirt’s collar. Few people will remember the collar, thus allowing another use of the shirt without anyone being the wiser.
Second, this move opens many doors that you might have thought were shut. Stain on your shirt? Put a sweater over it! Need to iron your shirt but don’t have the time? Put a sweater over it! It’s really that easy.
Finally, this look will magically make you look more sophisticated and perhaps even more attractive. When wearing the sweater-tie combo, I’ve received numerous comments saying how “classy” I look and how much “style” I have. All I’ve done is put a sweater over my normal outfit. That extra article of clothing has created the illusion that I am “well-dressed.”
Rule No. 4: Dress down on weekends
The best part about dressing nicely all week is putting on those jeans to head out for the weekend. Unless absolutely necessary, there is no need to wear anything (dress shirt, slacks, etc.) on Friday or Saturday night that you might need to wear during the week. Most guys don’t have an endless supply of shirts and burning one to hit up a poorly lit bar with your Medill friends is just a bad idea.
The secret, though, is that you won’t even need to wear a dress shirt out to look good. By switching up the normal attire with some jeans and a polo shirt, you’ll appear better dressed than you really are. The secret to a successful night out isn’t wearing your best clothes, it’s switching up your look.
Rule No. 5: Double up when you can
Let’s say you just had a big interview on Wednesday, and you know you look best with that favorite blue shirt of yours on. Fast forward two days later, and you’re meeting up for drinks with that girl you met last week. Don’t think you can wear that shirt again? You thought wrong.
Everyone in the newsroom might have seen you wear that shirt on Wednesday, but if you won’t be seeing any of them on Friday night, that shirt is fair game.
Perhaps most importantly, by doubling up, you will have worn one less shirt and are thus, still one shirt further away from doing your laundry or, even worse, an expensive dry cleaning bill.
And as long as that shirt stays clean, don’t stop at two times. Triple up if you need to! It’s always best to wear your best as often as you can.