WASHINGTON – How much do you know about the Middle East? Polls show that two-thirds of Americans can’t identify Iraq on a map. Yet, in recent decades, the U.S. has invested billions of dollars and sent thousands of troops to the Middle East. Given the upcoming presidential election and continued U.S. involvement in the volatile region, it makes sense to become educated about a place that is a major strategic interest for the U.S. both politically and economically.
For a closer look at the ethnic, religious and language disparities in the Middle East, scroll over the countries on this interactive map.
[SWF]https://dc.medill.northwestern.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/MEInfographic.swf, 700, 750[/SWF]
Source: CIA Factbook; SIPRI
Note: Information on exact percentages for languages in Iraq was not readily available.