WASHINGTON — Sen. Rand Paul, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, urged young activists Wednesday night to join in a movement to define Republicans as a political party committed to free markets, lower taxes and individual liberties.

“What is the Republican party?” Paul, R-Ky., asked rhetorically. “Some people say the Republican Party can be good again. We have to decide what we stand for.”

Sen. Paul was met with applause by a theater packed with more than 300 college students attending the conference of Young Americans for Liberty, a libertarian leaning group.

Paul spoke to them about issues ranging from digital privacy, medical marijuana – he generally favors both – and a new wave of libertarian thought in the U.S.

“People aren’t happy saying I’m a Republican or a Democrat,” said Paul. “Maybe there is a third way. Maybe I am economically conservative but I am concerned with privacy.”

Paul also spoke extensively about the strength of a free market economy and how lower taxes promote economic growth — bedrock libertarian principles.

“The other side thinks you aren’t smart enough to spend your money,” Paul said. “If we give the money back to the people, it will stimulate the economy.”

He said he was convinced that a libertarian message, articulated properly, will resonate with voters.

“When we present our message with passion, and with the hope and promise and optimism of a man coming over the hill singing, then we’re going to be the dominant movement again,” Paul said.

Paul recently announced a three-day swing through Iowa at the beginning of August, which political commentators point to as a strong sign he’s gearing up for a presidential bid.

As he left the stage, the crowd rose to their feet and began chanting, “2016, 2016.”

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