Protests erupt in Washington after Ferguson decision
by Hayat Norimine | Nov 26, 2014 | Demographics, Politics
About 400 protesters gathered Tuesday night in Mount Vernon Square in downtown Washington, rallying against the decision in the Ferguson shooting. Hayat Norimine / MNS
Four-year-old twins Emmanualah Taylor, left, and Naiyahmi Taylor, right, hold signs at the protest with their mom. Hayat Norimine / MNS
While many held signs that showed anger and resentment, the crowd held a peaceful march in Mount Vernon Square. Hayat Norimine / MNS
On a fence in Mount Vernon Square where protesters congregated, one bike is adorned with a flag bearing the hashtags #dcferguson and #blacklivesmatter. Hayat Norimine / MNS
Protesters chant, "Hands up, don't shoot." Hayat Norimine / MNS
Salim Adofo, a leader in the National Black United Front, maintains the crowd in a straight line moving forward. Hayat Norimine / MNS
The crowd marches from Mount Vernon Square along Massachusetts Avenue. Hayat Norimine / MNS
The National Black United Front holds the crowd back as it moves along Massachusetts Avenue in downtown DC. Hayat Norimine / MNS
A few of the protesters showed up in "V for Vendetta" masks as a statement on their belief in the need for anarchy. Hayat Norimine / MNS
Protesters from many ethnic groups march forward near Capitol Hill. Hayat Norimine / MNS