Brainy students compete in Brain Bee

Brainy students compete in Brain Bee

WASHINGTON – “Which retinal photoreceptor cells are the most sensitive to light?” The question flashed on the screen and the competitors hastily scribbled their answers onto notecards. After 20 seconds, too short to even look up the answer on my iPhone, a loud buzzer...
Talk of impeachment spurs Democratic donors

Talk of impeachment spurs Democratic donors

WASHINGTON — A Republican lawsuit against the president. Tea Party Republicans talking about impeachment. It sounds like doom and gloom for the Democratic Party, but these threats are animating Democratic campaign donors. “I think it’s fair to say...
Rand Paul speaks to young libertarians

Rand Paul speaks to young libertarians

WASHINGTON — Sen. Rand Paul, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, urged young activists Wednesday night to join in a movement to define Republicans as a political party committed to free markets, lower taxes and individual liberties. “What is the Republican...