by Isabella Zhong | Jul 24, 2013 | Business & Tech
WASHINGTON – American auto workers have petitioned Congress to oppose the formation of a free trade agreement with Japan. More than 80,000 employees at Chrysler, General Motors and Ford signed the petition, which argued that the U.S. should not complete the...
by Isabella Zhong | Jul 23, 2013 | Topics
The Senate Banking Committee examined at a hearing Wednesday whether large banks, such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, should be allowed to have ownership interests in commodities and energy firms. See what unraveled.
by Isabella Zhong | Jul 23, 2013 | Business & Tech, Topics
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testified in front of the Senate Banking Committee Thursday. In what could be his final monetary policy report, Bernanke discussed the health of the nation’s economy, the Fed’s quantitative easing program and reforms...
by Isabella Zhong | Jul 23, 2013 | Topics
WASHINGTON – For a community bank, digesting more than 900 pages of complex new capital adequacy rules is a cumbersome task. And most of those banks don’t think the rules are needed for banks their size. To help them prepare, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation...
by Isabella Zhong | Jul 23, 2013 | Topics
Ben Bernanke will be meeting with the Federal Open Market Committee next week to review and set the direction for U.S. monetary policy. As the chairman of the Fed, Bernanke has considerable influence over this 12-member committee, which effectively dictates the cost...