by Whitney Wild | Oct 5, 2011 | Business & Tech
WASHINGTON — North Dakota Sens. Kent Conrad, a Democrat, and John Hoeven, a Republican, sit on opposite sides of the aisle, but this week they’re coming together on one issue: foreign exchange. Both senators voted in favor of a new bill aimed at pressuring China...
by Whitney Wild | Sep 29, 2011 | Business & Tech, National Security
As the United States begins the drawdown of troops overseas, new veterans are embarking on a new mission: finding a job. With unemployment hovering around nine percent in much of the nation, the job hunt is difficult for everyone. But, it can be especially tough for...
by Whitney Wild | Sep 28, 2011 | Business & Tech
WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund and emerging markets should work together to finally pull the world’s economy from the brink of collapse, Bill Rhodes, a senior adviser for Citigroup Inc., said Wednesday. Promoting his new book “Banker to the World:...