Modern night soil

Modern night soil

Southwest of Chicago, 100 million gallons of sewage churn in the open air. Soupy and turbid, the brown muck comes through the Stickney filtration plant, the largest wastewater-treatment facility in the world, at a million gallons a minute. Few Chicagoans think about...
Cowboys and Indians united against pipeline

Cowboys and Indians united against pipeline

WASHINGTON — The Cowboy and Indian Alliance kicked off a five-day protest Tuesday in front of the Capitol, demonstrating against the proposed expansion of the Keystone XL Pipeline. If President Barack Obama approves the plan, the pipeline will run through both...
Cleaning up America’s front lawn

Cleaning up America’s front lawn

The National Mall is the most visited of all of the nation’s parks, but a lack of sufficient upkeep has left America’s front lawn looking like a dust bowl.The Trust for the National Mall is working in partnership with the National Park Service to put...