Corraling coral bleaching

The Virgin Islands experienced widespread coral bleaching last summer, and it wiped out even more of a coral population that was decimated in 2005. With another warm summer on the way, what can the Virgin Islands expect this time around? Which industries are the most...

EPA, NRC checking for Japanese radiation

WASHINGTON—Miniscule amounts of radiation from Japan’s nuclear emergency have reached the U.S., but Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson assured U.S. lawmakers Tuesday that those amounts were well-monitored and far below dangerous levels. Jackson...

House looks at deep-water oil containment

WASHINGTON, April 7 — New containment technology unveiled by U.S. oil industry executives has led to eight new permits to drill in the Gulf of Mexico, despite uncertainty over whether the new control systems are actually capable of cleaning up a disaster such as...

Profile: Ruth Van Mark

Ruth Van Mark is the minority staff director for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee At a Glance Career History: 1982-1988, legislative staff for Rep. Daniel Lungren, R-CA. 1989-1991, legislative director, Rep. James M. Inhofe, R-OK. 1991-1994 staff...