by Anthony Valentino | Jul 31, 2013 | Science + Technology, Topics
WASHINGTON — The world’s largest bone marrow donation registry receives some federal funding and is facing a $2 million cut due to the sequester. Because bone marrow matches are rare, the registry relies on signing up as many people as possible to increase...
by Francesca Bacardi | Jul 29, 2013 | Entertainment, Science + Technology
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama enlisted several celebrities this week to help promote his new health care plan to young consumers, but marketing experts say it might not work. The key to using a celebrity in a successful way is to find someone who actually cares,...
by Rhyan Kronzer | Jul 29, 2013 | Business & Tech, Environment, Science + Technology
WASHINGTON– American biotechnology firms want U.S. trade negotiators to stress the need for a more flexible import process of genetically modified products as trade talks with the European Union pick up speed. How to deal with genetically modified imports is the...
by Emily Hoerner & Amina Ismail | Jul 24, 2013 | Science + Technology
[flagallery gid=5] The odorous Titan Arum plant bloomed around 6 p.m. Sunday after weeks of anticipation. Although the plant’s notorious, rotting flesh-like smell was no longer strong by midday Monday, droves of people made their way to the U.S. Botanic Garden to...
by Susan El Khoury | Jul 23, 2013 | Science + Technology
WASHINGTON — Be the Match, a nonprofit that connects bone marrow donors and transplant recipients, stands to lose $3 million in federal funding due to sequester budget cuts. This means an estimated 20,000 volunteer donors may not be added to the national...
by Rhyan Kronzer | Jul 22, 2013 | Business & Tech, Environment, Science + Technology
Photo by J.E. Theriot WASHINGTON — The future of a $14 million-a-year catfish inspection program that stands to block imports of cheaper, foreign-raised catfish hangs in the balance as House and Senate negotiators get ready to iron out details of the 2013 farm bill....