by Samson Adams | Jul 2, 2012 | Science + Technology
Reporter Samson Adams thought it would be a good idea to take a disposable camera to the Supreme Court for the health care ruling last week. He was hoping to create a whimsical headline with the word disposable, assuming the law-to-be was struck down (disposable...
by Malena Caruso | Jul 2, 2012 | Science + Technology
Keeping you and your family happy and healthy during all of the July Fourth festivities can be tough, especially in nearly 100-degree heat. The National Park Service and Capitol Concert held a news conference Monday at the Marine Corps Memorial to help visitors...
by Matt Michaels | Jun 28, 2012 | Politics, Science + Technology
View of the crowd gathered outside of the Supreme Court prior to the health care ruling. (Matt Michaels/Medill News Service) Opponents of the health care law chanted, “Hey hey, ho ho, Obamacare has got to go” in front of the Supreme Court on Thursday....
by Maureen LaForge | May 30, 2012 | Business & Tech, Science + Technology
WASHINGTON – Aetna Inc. Chairman and CEO Mark Bertolini on Thursday advocated dramatically changing how providers and insurers are paid as a way to reform the fee-for-service model. Speaking at the non-partisan Peterson Institute for International Economics, Bertolini...
by Empriss Campbell & Nikki McGee | May 29, 2012 | Environment, Science + Technology
WASHINGTON — A dramatic increase in heat-related deaths will sweep major U.S. cities in coming summers, according to an analysis released Wednesday by the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental advocacy group based in New York. “This is a wake-up call,”...
by Maureen LaForge | May 23, 2012 | National Security, Science + Technology
ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD — There were clear, sunny skies for the annual air show at Andrews Air Force Base last weekend. Guests young and old were disappointed by the news that they’ll have to wait two years for the 55-year-old show to return. With a...