WASHINGTON — About 2,000 opponents of the Senate GOP health care bill joined Senate Democrats in front of the Capitol Wednesday evening to urge the Democrats to stand strong against passage of the proposed Obamacare repeal measure.

Chanting “health care now” and “our health care is here to stay,” the protesters waved signs and listened to speakers criticizing the bill. About 22 million fewer Americans would have health care coverage by 2026 under the proposal compared with the current Affordable Care Act, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis released Monday.

A scheduled vote on the bill was delayed after it became clear the measure did not have enough votes to pass. Nine GOP senators have announced their opposition to the current bill and Senate leadership is working on changes to gain their support.

The protest was sponsored by groups including Planned Parenthood Action, the AFL-CIO and MoveOn.org. Speakers included lawmakers Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Cory Booker, D-N.J., as well as patients and policy advocates.

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