WASHINGTON — A few hundred people gathered on the sidewalk in front of the Supreme Court to pay tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg on her 86th birthday by doing planks in her honor. They were joined by her personal trainer, Bryant Johnson, who is also a records specialist in the D.C. Circuit Court. The birthday celebration was organized by “The Outrage” and featured singing by the D.C. area group “SongRise.”

Just in case you didn’t notice, Ginsburg spells her last name with a “u”, unlike the late poet Allen Ginsberg who spelled it with an “e”. For RBG’s birthday on Mar. 15, 2019, the tributes rolled in with news organizations such as NBC, Yahoo News, Vogue, The New Yorker and yours truly spelling the Justice’s last name wrong. Some mnemonics for remembering the right way to spell her last name: GinsbUrg’s first name is RUth and she works at the U.S. SUpreme CoUrt.