Latest in Politics

PHOTOS: Recap of The 2024 Republican National Convention
The 2024 Republican National Convention ran from July 15 through July 18 at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, where former president Donald Trump officially accepted the party’s nomination for president.
Latest in Politics
PHOTOS: Recap of The 2024 Republican National Convention
The 2024 Republican National Convention ran from July 15 through July 18 at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, where former president Donald Trump officially accepted the party’s nomination for president.
The Milwaukee Turners: The history behind a prominent site at the RNC
Turner Hall’s history, and the history of the Milwaukee Turners and their place in the city and its politics, is relevant to the country’s current politics.
Will the Republican convention drum up more support for Trump?
The GOP hopes that the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee will increase voter turnout in Wisconsin.
Latest in Education
Confronting pervasive antisemitism in K-12 schools
Congress questioned action by school systems to keep students safe.
Latest in Education
Confronting pervasive antisemitism in K-12 schools
Congress questioned action by school systems to keep students safe.
UConn faculty question contractor’s role in budget cuts
Several UConn faculty members question whether a certain consulting firm has had a hand in the universities’ cost-cutting decisions.
House Republicans and Democrats debate the future of college admissions after the Supreme Court affirmative action decision
The House Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee held a hearing on Thursday to discuss the impacts the Supreme Court’s decision on race-based college admissions has had on university policies.
Latest in National Security
Rights group: China imprisons more than 449,000 Uyghurs in Xinjiang
Secretary of State Antony Blinken wraps up his trip to China; more than 449,000 Uyghurs in Xinjiang are imprisoned.
Latest in National Security
Rights group: China imprisons more than 449,000 Uyghurs in Xinjiang
Secretary of State Antony Blinken wraps up his trip to China; more than 449,000 Uyghurs in Xinjiang are imprisoned.
Taiwan’s new legislature, possible Trump win cast shadows over U.S.-Taipei ties
WASHINGTON -- Taiwan's choice of president in the January elections sent a strong message that the island nation wants to maintain its autonomy from China, but voters also sent an appeasing signal to China by denying the president-elect's party a majority in the...
Will Biden listen to Congress progressives & condition aid to Israel?
More Democratic senators are asking the White House to condition military support to Israel as the war in Gaza drags on and the humanitarian situation grows more dire.
Latest in Social Justice
Senators Explore AI in Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions
Senators discussed the future of AI technology in criminal investigations and prosecutions.
Latest in Social Justice
Senators Explore AI in Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions
Senators discussed the future of AI technology in criminal investigations and prosecutions.
Disenfranchised voters find alternative ways to participate in key state elections
VIRGINIA - Richard Walker grew up in a family where voting was mandatory because of the long history of Black voter suppression. He always valued his right to vote. But after Walker completed his prison sentence in 2005, he lost his suffrage, a consequence of...
‘Catholics say ceasefire now’ at White House pray-in
Catholic and Christian organizers held a pray-in outside the White House to urge President Joe Biden to call for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.
Latest in Business & Tech

Farmers need AI, could miss out
As artificial intelligence spreads into agriculture, senators stressed that all farms need broadband access in order to take advantage of all the ways AI can boost production.
Senate Homeland Security Committee Considers Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
The Senate turned to experts to discuss and understand the philosophy of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it should shape policy.
Experts and Congress worry about the SEC’s “onslaught of rules”
The SEC was sued by the Chamber of Commerce for violating the Administrative Procedure Act. Experts worry about the leadership of chairman Gensler.
Latest in Immigration

Nonprofit organizations become a helpful resource in the naturalization process
Nationwide, 9 million immigrants are eligible for U.S. citizenship, yet 91 percent do not proceed with their applications, according to a survey conducted by the nonprofit loan service One Percent for America. Organizations like the Washington English Center offer support to make the naturalization process more accessible.
After a lifetime outside politics, an artist chooses his side: Trump
CHARLESTON, S.C. – White Converse shoes, green work pants scattered with paint stains, black hoodie and a cowboy hat covered with dozens of rock ‘n’ roll pins. Anderson Lee Smith, a 66-year-old, 6-foot-tall man with his long, gray hair tied back in a low ponytail,...
House Committee attacks Biden’s border policies
WASHINGTON - The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement held a hearing on Mar.7 to examine President Joe Biden’s inability to maintain border security, calling for a change in the current immigration law. While both Democrats...
Latest in Environment

Washington Metro’s ‘Fleet of the Future’ Expo showcases new train cars
WMATA’s Fleet of the Future Expo showcased their new 8000-series train cars and zero-emissions bus. Two electric buses are in operation, and the train cars are expected to complete construction in 2025.
Sen. Hawley champions for St. Louis constituents despite controversial past
Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri faces reelection this fall, after previously struggling to gain support to expand a compensation law to cover victims of radiation exposure across many states.
Outdated regulations stall cutting-edge nuclear plants
Old regulations stall advanced nuclear projects from hitting the ground in the United States.
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