Anti-abortion protestors hold signs in from of a CVS Featured, Health, Politics Pharmacies Dispensing Abortion Pills Makes It Easier for Doctors to Prescribe Them WASHINGTON — For years, the only way doctors like family physician Dr. Graham Chelius could offer their patients abortion pills was by giving them the medication in their offices, a restriction put in place by ... CONTINUE READING A diagram of the female reproductive system Featured, Health, Politics Mifepristone in the courts WASHINGTON -- Mifepristone, the most widely used drug for medication abortion, made headlines in April when a federal district judge in Texas called the FDA's approval of the drug fundamentally flawed. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine ... CONTINUE READING Featured, Health, Science + Technology, Topics Video: Harm reduction vending machines make Narcan more accessible without stigma WASHINGTON — The opioid antidote Narcan is now available at six harm-reduction vending machines in neighborhoods across Washington D.C. Installed in April, the vending machines provide free Narcan, fentanyl test strips, and other harm-reduction materials. The ... CONTINUE READING Featured, Health As fentanyl overdoses surge, education on how to reduce their impact remains insufficient WASHINGTON -- Nationwide, increasing numbers of teens and young adults have overdosed on opioids, especially fentanyl. Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 49. Substance abuse experts say educating ... CONTINUE READING
Adapting a Zero Suicide Approach to Native Communities

Adapting a Zero Suicide Approach to Native Communities

May 2, 2022 – Edwina Valdo found herself on the receiving end of a desperate phone call last year on the suicide crisis line at Acoma Pueblo Behavioral Health Services in New Mexico. Valdo, whose regular job is as a grant manager, was filling in because the pandemic...

Justices Appear Supportive of Mississippi Abortion Limits

WASHINGTON — The long-held precedent of upholding abortion rights, as established in Roe v. Wade, appeared more vulnerable following oral arguments on Wednesday over the legality of Mississippi’s near total ban on the procedure. State Solicitor General Scott Stewart...

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